Posted Date: February 2, 2024
Expiration Date: March 14, 2024
State: GA
Description: Demolish and remove (2) sections of existing 24 CMP pipes (178 L.F. +/- total length of pipe), (1) double wing catch basin, (1) upstream headwall, and (1) downstream headwall at the end cul-de-sac of Whisper Way. Install (2) new sections of 36 RCP pipes (178 L.F. +/- total length of pipe),(1) double wing catch basin, (1) upstream headwall, and (1) downstream headwall. Top of new storm pipes shall hold existing grade so as to not interfere with existing utilities. Contractor shall tail ditch upstream and downstream end at headwalls so there is positive drainage though the new storm pipe system. Disturbance to existing driveways, curb & gutter, and asphalt pavement shall be minimized with use of trench boxes and/or other shoring methods as existing and proposed easements are limited. No disturbance outside of right-of-way, 20 Permanent Drainage Easement, and 30 Temporary Construction Easement is allowed. Contractor shall install new paved invert to all new storm structures as illustrated on the Drawings. Contractor will be required to locate and protect all existing utilities without interruption of service.
Location: Dacula, GA