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Observatory water Treatment  plant 36-inch Raw water Main & Ragged Mountain Raw Water pump Station

Observatory Water Treatment  Plant 36-Inch Raw Water Main & Ragged Mountain Raw Water Pump Station

Location: Charlottesville

Posted Date: August 29, 2024

State: VA 

Description: • Furnishing and installing approximately 21,000 linear feet of 36-inch ductile iron raw water main and associated appurtenances, including 179 linear feet of the watermain within 54-inch via trenchless methods. • Construction of approximately 4,820 square feet of a one-story brick veneer on CMU load bearing wall building, to include up to four pumps ranging in size from 75-HP to 150-HP. • Furnishing and installing approximately 1,000 linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron raw water main and associated appurtenances, including 179 linear feet of the watermain within 24-inch via trenchless methods • Abandonment, demolition, and site restoration of two (2) existing pumping stations. 

Location: Charlottesville, VA