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Engineering Services For Fallkill Trunk sewer rehabilitation

Engineering Services for Fallkill Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation

Location: New York

Posted Date: August 29, 2024

Expiration Date: September 11, 2024

State: NY 

Description: The City of Poughkeepsie owns and operates a sanitary sewer system that transmits flows to its Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP), State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit No. NY 0026255, for treatment. The Fallkill Trunk Sewer is a major component of the system and currently carries both combined and sanitary sewer flows from the northside of the city from Winnikee Ave to High Street where it is directed to the WPCP via a flow diversion structure. This diversion structure directs normal flows to a 30-inch reinforced concrete sewer that discharges to the WPCP. Wet weather flows that exceed the capacity of the flow diversion structure weir pass downstream to Mill Street Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) # 006. If wet weather flows exceed the capacity of the Mill St CSO, they are directed southerly to the Fallkill Trunk Sewer Interceptor and subsequently to the Pine St. Pump Station CSO #002 outfall. The Fallkill Trunk Sewer flows range from 3 million gallons per day (MGD) to 8 MGD during wet weather events. It is estimated that between 300,000 and 500,000 gpd of groundwater is presently infiltrating the existing brick trunk sewer. The City is now seeking an engineering firm to administer, construct and close out the project as needed. 

Location: City of Poughkeepsie, NY