State: DE
Description: Demolition, removal, and replacement of pumps, base assemblies and lift out systems, piping, valves, fittings, emergency bypass assemblies, and appurtenances. – Cleaning and preparing interior surfaces of wet wells for application of a multi-coat liner system. – Removal and replacement of existing electrical controls, systems, and appurtenances. – Furnishing and installing ventilation systems and odor control systems where indicated. – Removal and replacement of access hatches. – Furnishing and installing trash baskets, portable hoist systems and appurtenances. – Work specific to renovation of the Big Park Pump Station includes but is not limited to the removal and replacement of doors and windows, sandblasting and painting, replacement of lighting systems, replacement of heating systems, replacement of roofing system, pointing and repairing of brick façade, and other miscellaneous work. – Add alternate work consists of furnishing and installing pre-cast concrete valve vaults at the Meadows Pump Stationand the Big Park Pump Station. – Removal and replacement of curb, sidewalk, paving, and landscaping where indicated.
Location: Georgetown, DE