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Lower Coddle Creek Parallel Interceptor Project

Lower Coddle Creek Parallel Interceptor Project

Location: North Carolina

Posted Date: January 10, 2024

Expiration Date: February 7, 2024

State: NC

Description: The proposed sanitary sewer interceptor will be constructed in two phases; the first phase (base bid) extends from Rocky River Road up to Wolf Meadow Creek and the second phase (bid alternate) extends from Wolf Meadow Creek to approximately Coddle Creek Drive SW. In total the two phases will consist of approximately 39 LF of 60” fiberglass pipe, 39 LF of 54” fiberglass pipe, 20,013 LF of 48” fiberglass and ductile iron pipe, 7,943 LF of 36” fiberglass pipe and ductile iron pipe, 1,395 LF of 30: fiberglass and ductile iron pipe, three cast-in-place concrete diversion structures, 11 manholes with 5’ diameter base and 5’ diameter riser structure, 30 manholes with 6’ diameter base and 5’ diameter riser structure, 73 manholes with 7’ diameter base and 5’ diameter riser structure, one manhole with 8’ diameter base and 5’ diameter riser structure, three manholes with 10’ diameter base and 5’ diameter riser structure, one trenchless crossing at Roberta Road (SR-1304), and 21 sanitary sewer stream crossings. The project also includes miscellaneous rehabilitation of the existing sanitary sewer system including 1,898 LF of CIPP and miscellaneous manhole rehabilitation.

Location: Concord, NC