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Hpw- Wastewater Collection System Rehabilitation And Renewal

HPW- Wastewater Collection System Rehabilitation and Renewal

Posted Date: August 1, 2024

Expiration Date: August 22, 2024

State: TX

Description: Work of the contract includes sliplining or pipe bursting approximately 41,200 feet of sanitary sewer ranging from 6 to18-inches in diameter; slurry boring of 600 feet of sanitary sewer ranging in size from 8 to 12-inches in diameter; 110 Service Lateral Repair or Replacement up to 8‘ from center line of Main; 4,000 feet of Service Lateral Repair or Replacement beyond 8‘ from center line of Main; cleaning and television inspection of 32,250 feet of gravity sanitary sewer and force mains; reconnecting 308 services; making 117 point repairs on gravity sanitary sewers and force mains ranging in size from 6 to 48-inches in diameter; 1,250 feet of additional sewer replacement beyond these point repairs; construction of approximately 40 new manholes; 500 vertical feet of manhole rehabilitation; 2,500 square yards of removal and replacement of up to 2 inch hot-mix asphaltic concrete; 900 square yards of removal and replacement of 8-inch concrete pavement and 9,000 feet of cut or removal of existing liners from the host pipe; and ancillary work to remove and restore surface features disturbed as a result of the work.

Location: Harris County