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Covington Sanitary Sewer Rehab/ Replacement

Covington Sanitary Sewer Rehab/ Replacement

Location: Covington

Posted Date: August 1, 2024

Expiration Date: August 3, 2024

State: GA

Description:  Brick constructed manholes throughout the City have been identified, prioritized by deficiencies and designated for rehabilitation. Any sewer mains or sewer laterals found deficient will be repaired or replaced during this project. The project will include coordinating with the City, planning the work, providing bypass capabilities, executing the rehabilitation activities, and performing field testing. Rehabilitation includes cleaning and preparing the existing manhole surface. The work consists of providing a system for the repair, rehabilitation and groundwater infiltration abatement of manhole walls, corbels/cones, pipe connections and bench and channel/trough areas. All manhole rehabilitation products will be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The purpose of the rehabilitation work is to eliminate inflow and infiltration, provide corrosion protection, and to restore the structural integrity of the manhole. For any particular system the Contractor will submit, to the City, manufacturer’s technical data and application instructions. All OSHA regulations shall be met in the completion of the work and the contractor shall be responsible for all necessary traffic control operations.

Location: City of Covington, GA